Who’s Keepin’ it Reel?

Welcome to The ReeL RD2BE of STL!

I’m Shannon, a soon to be Registered Dietitian (RD)…And while I think it would be fun to be the latest Real Housewife inductee, I’ve been admitted to something much better…a dietetic internship.  So the pen-name will have to do!

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A dietetic internship meets the supervised practice experience required to take the Dietetics Registration Examination to become an RD.  Thus far, I have completed a B.S. in Dietetics, applied to dietetic internships, and matched!  Now, in my final stretch on the road to RD,  I’m a proud Billiken completing a one-year dietetic internship and combined MS in Nutrition & Dietetics, Public Health Emphasis at Saint Louis University.

“The Reel RD2BE of STL” is my opportunity to help dietetics students that have yet to experience a dietetic internship, easing the worries associated with this experience. I will share my everyday happenings as a dietetic intern and other nutrition or health related things to chew over. It is also a way to for me to unplug, recharge, and gain perspective during a time in my life that RD2BE survivors have said, “will run me ragged.”

I need Reel-friends to keep me of sound mind while on this journey, so why not join me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.  Want to chat beyond the blog or have questions, email me at reelrd2bestl@gmail.com

I promise to keep it reel with you. 😉

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2 thoughts on “Who’s Keepin’ it Reel?

  1. Hi Shannon! Your blog is so creative! 😀 I am a fellow blogger and RD2Be. I am doing my internship at Fontbonne University right down the way from SLU. Small world, huh! I look forward to your future posts 😀

    • Hey Hannah. Thanks for your comment. Yep, it’s an even smaller world because I did my undergrad at Fontbonne. If you see me at an AND-STL meeting or something please say hi! I’d love to meet you. Take care.

Did I keep it reel, or nah?